official tourism bureau

Art in the Park 2021


The 2021 Art in the Park event, hosted by the Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce, featured artists, crafters and creators from all over the state of Ohio, and a few from out of state (as far as Texas!). We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day. The weather was perfect, with the exception of a coupe wind gusts, and the island was filled with families, friends and lovers of art and craft.

On Saturday, September 11, artists gathered in De Rivera Park to display and sell their original works. The event was scheduled from 10am-5pm and artists began to set up shop around 8am. De Rivera Park is in the heart of downtown Put-in-Bay, so naturally, visitors are drawn to the event. This year, Art in the Park was held on the same weekend as Historic Weekend here on Put-in-Bay. Each year on and around September 10, we celebrate the anniversary of Oliver Hazard Perry’s defeat of the British fleet in the Battle of Lake Erie on September 10, 1813, and the enduring peace between the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada for more than 200 years. This made for a very memorable day as the sounds of muskets, cannons and fighter jets filled the air throughout the day. We were also privileged to have a special performance in the park by the kids in the Put-in-Bay Panther Twirling Club. Families gathered at 2pm to watch their children perform and then, naturally, headed over to the event.

We had a total of 21 vendors in Put-in-Bay for Art in the Park 2021. There was a great variety of arts and crafts which included acrylics, arrangements, art prints, books, crafts, custom pieces, glass, jewelry, novels, ornaments, paintings, photography, quilted items, wood crafts and more! There were jewelry making demonstrations happening (thanks to Jessie Greene) and we were thrilled to have Monica Fowler and her team from Toledo Wine and Canvas with us. They held painting workshops throughout the day and that drew many families to the show. Rita Marie Ross was here all the way from Austin, Texas. Believe it or not, she did not travel the furthest to get here as Juli Parsons just got home from visiting family in Ireland and still joined us for the show! We had many first time vendors of the event join us like Therese Kramer and Elizabeth Heineman and many regulars back like Joyce Radloff. The Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the great people from De Rivera Park as well as the Put-in-Bay Police Department for helping to make this event a success. We would also like to thank each of our vendors for supporting our event. The vendors in attendance included;

  • Barbara Jones
  • Celeste Mycoskie
  • Charles and Betty Finkbeiner
  • Denise Gill
  • Elizabeth Heineman
  • Jan Halcisak
  • Jessie Greene
  • Jill Cooks
  • John C. Baker
  • Joyce Offenberger
  • Joyce Radloff
  • Juli Parsons
  • Karen Wilhelm
  • Rita Marie Ross
  • Sandy Keffer
  • Sarah Cochran
  • Shannon Jones
  • Staci Moore
  • Tara Lawyer
  • Therese Kramer
  • Wine and Canvas Toledo (Monica Fowler)

On a different note, I’d like to extend my personal gratitude to all of the vendors at the event as this was the first event for me as the new Marketing and Event Coordinator for the Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce. All of you were more than kind, understanding and patient with me as we navigated through this together. As a musician, I know the wrap that us artists can get sometimes but the day was smooth and the event was a great success. It was a pleasure to meet and speak with each of you and it is my hope that we have all of you back for next year’s Art in the Park event!

-Jordan Jenkins, Marketing and Event Coordinator, Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce